There are many things that can distract us while at the wheel. In today’s busy life, it can be so tempting to return a text, take a phone call, or grab a bite to eat as we drive from one destination to another. But, these simple actions could cause an accident that forever changes someone’s life or takes away their loved one.
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), distracted driving causes more than 700 injury crashes each day in the United States. Often, distracted driving is a choice, especially when it comes to using a cell phone. If a distracted driver hurt you or your loved one, a Long Beach distracted driving accident lawyer may be able to assist you with a lawsuit for your damages. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC at (844) 730-0233 to find out more about how we can help.
Cell Phones and Driving
Using a cell phone while driving can increase your likelihood of getting into a car accident by as much as three times, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). California has laws outlawing hand-held device usage behind the wheel. Go Safely California, an OTS website, states that, under California law:
- All device usage must be hands-free. It is legal to use built-in vehicle communication systems or a dashboard mount.
- Drivers can swipe or tap a device screen one time to activate or deactivate a call or application. Multiple swipes or taps, like those needed to text or scroll, are illegal.
- You may not use your device at stoplights or stop signs. To legally use your phone, you must pull over to a safe place and park.
- Drivers under age 18 may not use any communication devices while driving, either handheld or hands-free.
- The first offense for driving with a handheld device will result in a ticket and a $162 fine. Beginning July 1, 2021, a second offense inside of 36 months may result in a point against your driver’s record.
- Emergency workers, such as fire and police officers, may use a handheld device in the course of duty. Drivers may use a handheld device in an emergency to call for emergency workers or emergency services.
For a free legal consultation with a distracted driving accidents lawyer serving Long Beach, call (844) 730-0233
Other Driving Distractions
Though cell phones can be a major source of distraction, they are not the only thing that can take our attention from driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), distractions can be:
- Visual – This is anything that takes our eyes off the road, such as onboard navigation and entertainment systems, radio and climate controls, or even looking at another passenger.
- Manual – These are distractions that take our hands from the wheel. Examples may include lighting a cigarette or handing an object into the back seat.
- Cognitive – These are distractions that take your mind off driving. Daydreaming, worrying, or engaging in a conversation, even hands-free, can all take our attention from the road.
If a distracted driver caused your accident, you may want to connect with a Long Beach distracted driving accident lawyer. If a lawyer can prove the driver who hurt you was distracted, it may constitute negligence. Your lawyer may be able to help you win an insurance settlement or a verdict in your favor in civil court.
Long Beach Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer Near Me (844) 730-0233
You Could Win Awards for Your Medical Care and Other Damages
Distracted drivers can injure or kill other motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Common car accident injuries include broken limbs, head trauma, whiplash, spinal injuries, cuts and bruises, and internal damage. Some serious injuries may require emergency medical treatment, surgeries, and/or hospitalization. Medical bills can easily stack up, creating financial hardship for you and your family.
If someone else is responsible for your crash, they should help with your costs. You may want to pursue a claim with the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance provider. However, if your injuries are severe, their coverage may not be enough to pay for your expenses. In a civil lawsuit, an attorney can help you seek the costs of your treatment, as well as awards for:
- Lost wages
- Vehicle damages
- Emotional distress
- Permanent injuries, such as paralysis or loss of a limb
- Future medical care, such as physical therapy or follow-up appointments
- The wrongful death of a loved one
California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) § 335.1 allows a two-year window to sue for personal injury or wrongful death. It is important to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer will need time to collect evidence and prepare your case. If your case is not filed within two years or your accident or your family member’s time of death, it may be dismissed.
If your actions contributed to your accident, an attorney may be able to help you collect partial damages. Say you were speeding, but another driver cut you off because they were checking social media instead of watching the road. A court may assign you a percentage of fault because you were driving too fast. Your settlement will be reduced by that percentage. So, if you are awarded $100,000 and are 10 percent at fault, you would receive $90,000. There is no percentage of fault that bars you from seeking compensation.
Helping Victims Is Our Job
Ben Crump Law, PLLC has helped clients across the nation with personal injury and wrongful death car accident cases. We have won multi-million dollar settlements for our clients at no upfront cost to them. We work on contingency, so we only get paid if we win your case.
A Long Beach distracted driving accident lawyer can walk you through the insurance claims process and fight to negotiate a settlement to cover your expenses. If that cannot be accomplished, we are not afraid to take your case to court. We will not stop working for you until your case is resolved. We want to help victims achieve the awards they deserve. We will work hard to do so in a way that respects your healing and recovery. For more information, call our offices at (844) 730-0233.
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