‘Negligent security’ is a term used to describe the conditions at a public property in which a person suffered an injury from an accident or assault due to the lack of security on the premises. Because of the personal injuries suffered, the business owners could be held responsible for someone’s injuries in a negligent security lawsuit.
Negligent security falls under ‘premises liability’, which holds that in most situations, a business owner, building owner, property management company, or similar is accountable for any accidents or incidents that occur on the premises.
It is an expected duty of the property owner to maintain a security level for all those who enter the property. This includes protecting customers, visitors, and others against possible foreseeable harm to everyone legally on the premises.
Raleigh business property owners could be held liable for violations in security and possible premises liability lawsuits if they do not provide adequate security for their premises and that failure results in someone suffering a personal injury.
If you have suffered a robbery or attack while on the property of a business, store, hotel, government building, or similar premise, you may have legal options available to recover damages. Contact a Raleigh negligent security lawyer to find out if you have a valid claim. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC at (844) 730-5111 to discuss your accident with a member of our team.
Forms of Negligent Security
If you or a loved one fell victim to negligent security on someone else’s property and that incident resulted in injuries and damages, you know what a traumatic experience that can be. To be attacked, robbed, or sexually assaulted on a commercial or residential property due to a lack of adequate security is something that should never happen.
Some examples of negligent security can be, but are not limited to:
- Inadequate surveillance
- Low or ineffective lighting
- Defective locks or security devices
- Lack of security guards
When people visit commercial establishments, like a store, business office, or restaurant, they have an expectation to feel that they are in a safe environment. They feel that management has taken precautions to protect them, so they do not feel threatened or are not in harm’s way when they are on commercial properties such as:
- Hotels, resorts, motels, other lodging properties
- Shopping malls, retail stores
- Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs
- Sporting arenas
- Public parking lots and parking garages
- Living premises/Apartment buildings
- Lobbies at Hotels/motels
- Office buildings, company locations
- Conference halls
- Government building (court buildings, government offices, etc.)
- Medical care properties (nursing homes, emergency centers, hospitals, etc.)
- Public high schools, colleges, and universities
As you can tell, you probably frequent these locations often. And when you are there, you likely never think twice about being attacked, robbed, or injured while at the property. But violent crimes in North Carolina are on the rise according to this WBTV report, and it’s best to have an understanding of your legal rights when you are in this type of situation on a public property
Negligent security is a serious matter, and many business owners need to take the proper steps to protect themselves. Otherwise, a person falling down on an unlit stairwell due to not enough proper lighting or being attacked on the grounds of a convenient store can file a personal injury lawsuit for negligent security.
If you have been recently mugged or assaulted while on a commercial property, it is important that you contact a Raleigh negligent security lawyer as soon as you are able. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC for a no-fee initial consultation.
For a free legal consultation with a negligent security lawyers lawyer serving Raleigh, call (844) 730-5111
Determining Negligent Security
When a claim of negligent security is brought forth against someone, it is an indication that a commercial property owner or building manager failed in its duty to maintain the type of necessary protection that was expected by visitors to the property.
In Raleigh, a business owner is obligated to have a duty to maintain safe conditions at its secure location, as well as to identify hazards around the property as needed.
Property owners are also supposed to put up warning signs and other cautionary devices to warn people about accidental dangers that may exist on the property.
These actions show that the landowner is responsible for the property. However, when this responsibility is breached, and the property includes a condition that is considered hazardous, then it becomes an issue of liability for the property owner.
The current North Carolina law requires a standard of care that landowners or managers should extend toward all ‘lawful’ visitors. The standard maintains that a property owner must show reasonable care in protecting a visitor from injury. This includes maintaining the property in an expected manner, like cleaning up wayward spills of liquids, making sure lighting conditions are appropriate for all parts of the property, and minimizing any kind of hazardous or dangerous conditions.
Raleigh Negligent Security Lawyers Lawyer Near Me (844) 730-5111
Elements of a Premises Liability Claim
For an injured person to file a premises liability claim against a property owner for damages suffered while on the property, the burden of proof should include the following elements:
- Prove that you were a lawful visitor to a property, and the property owner owed a certain duty of care to you.
- While on the property, dangerous conditions existed and it was clear that the property owner had prior knowledge of this condition, and that it may cause someone to suffer an injury.
- However, the property owner knowingly neglected to take any action to warn visitors or correct the condition.
- As a result, you suffered an injury due to the dangerous condition that existed.
- From this injury, your damages have added up, and you have spent lots of money on hospital bills, medical treatments, lost income from work, and more.
When a situation like this happens to you, it becomes important to reach out to a Raleigh negligent security lawyer. The legal team at Ben Crump Law, PLLC is ready to assist you in developing a strategy about your accident, and we can explore the legal options that may be available to you. Our team is ready for your call at (844) 730-5111. Call us today to learn more about a negligent security lawsuit, and how your circumstances may apply.
Call or text (844) 730-5111 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form