When there is a product put on the market, an environmental hazard, or a discriminatory practice that causes a group of people to suffer similar injuries or other types of damages, the group may join together to pursue a class action lawsuit.
Every state has laws regarding class action lawsuits. The regulations may set an amount for compensation that may be awarded in these types of cases. The state where you live will determine the type of class action lawsuit that might be available to you.
Personal injury and product liability are some of the most common types of these cases. There are also employment class action lawsuits, which are against an employer who may not be following standards set by state and federal laws to keep employees safe while they are in a work environment.
Class action lawsuits require a lot of legwork and information about the damages a group of people suffer. A Boynton Beach class action lawsuits lawyer with Ben Crump Law, PLLC can help you navigate through this process. Contact us at 800-709-1441 to discuss your possible options.
Reasons for a Class Action Lawsuit
A class action lawsuit is different from a regular trial in several ways. In a class action lawsuit, a group of people are represented by several select individuals who are the lead plaintiff of the case. The rest of the plaintiffs will rely on these lead plaintiffs to provide information about the injuries and other damages that they have as the result of using a particular product.
Often, the reason that someone may choose to file a class action lawsuit is that their legal matter is not justified by itself. The damages that each individual has may be minor. However, as a group, it can be more powerful as it shows that a company did not have the best interest of their consumers in mind when releasing a product on the market.
Also, class action lawsuits will allow all of the class members to receive an award for their damages. Filing individually may result in no compensation for their losses at all.
For a free legal consultation with a class action lawsuits lawyer serving Boynton Beach, call 800-709-1441
Filing a Class Action Lawsuit
Class action lawsuits start like other civil cases. The first step will involve a victim filing a complaint against a defendant in court. As the trial begins, it may come to light that other individuals are suffering from the same injuries as the first party. When this happens, the party who files the complaint along with others may move to certify the case as a class action lawsuit. When the case is certified as a class action, there are representatives named. Class certification will only be granted by a federal court if there are specific facts that apply to the case.
The main point that must be met for class certification to be granted is that the case is large enough for it to be impractical for each person involved to sue the company on their own. Each of the plaintiffs must have similar claims about the product or general entity. If these claims are found to be true about the case, the class action status may be granted.
Common Class Action Lawsuits
A class action lawsuit may be brought forth against a defective product, environmental hazard, or discriminatory practice to name a few possibilities. Employees of a company may resort to a class action lawsuit to improve their workplace environment. There are other types of class action lawsuits as well, but defective products, environmental hazards, and discriminatory practices are common.
Environmental Hazards
If your job exposed you over time to something harmful such as the carcinogen asbestos, you may be eligible to partake in a class action lawsuit as you can develop lung cancer from this exposure.
Discriminatory Practices
If you suffered discrimination due to your race, gender, citizenship, disability status, veteran status, etc., you may be eligible to join a class action lawsuit.
Defective Consumer Products
Companies that knowingly create defective products may find themselves in a class action lawsuit. This is because consumers expect that the products they purchase are safe to use. There are specific laws that require manufacturers to ensure that the products they release on the market are safe for the consumer; for example the regulations from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. If you purchase a product and use it as directed, there is a chance you still may be injured if the product is defective in some way. If this happens to you, contact a Boynton Beach class action lawsuits lawyer with Ben Crump Law, PLLC to discuss a possible lawsuit seeking compensation for your injuries.
Boynton Beach Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer Near Me 800-709-1441
A Boynton Beach Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer Can Help
When a group of people are injured as a result of corporate malfeasance, a class action lawsuit provides critical protections. This type of lawsuit is often the only way for a business or corporation to be held accountable for putting people in danger. If you think that you may have a potential class action case and you need to speak to a lawyer about it, contact Ben Crump Law, PLLC at 800-709-1441 to discuss your case during a free consultation.
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