As a consumer, you have the right to be protected from all degrees of defective products. If you know of a defective product, it should be public knowledge to protect all future consumers. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC to speak with a Tallahassee class action lawsuits lawyer who can advise you on beginning or joining a class action lawsuit. Call today at 800-709-1441.
About Class Action Lawsuits
American class action lawsuits began decades ago, in an effort to mitigate the number of claims against a lack of care by large corporations, social organizations, and government entities. When today’s consumers initiate or opt into a class action lawsuit, it is in an effort to bring about greater change, rather than a personal financial reward.
Class action lawsuits are massive legislative movements with aims of addressing ethical issues in large companies’ relationships with today’s consumers. They represent large groups of people, with one plaintiff or “class representative” taking the lead for the case, along with an attorney.
If you know about a defective product or other types of consumer fraud, you should speak with a Tallahassee class action lawsuits lawyer at Ben Crump Law, PLLC. Our attorneys can help you formally initiate a class action lawsuit without hassle.
How Class Action Lawsuits Gain Momentum
Not all members of a class will necessarily be involved in a class action lawsuit, even if they are personally affected by the defective product or business. Qualifying participants may or may not be notified of the lawsuit by mail.
So many new class action lawsuits are formed each day that it is possible to qualify for more than one class action lawsuit at a time. There is a database of updated class action lawsuits to browse, which could help you determine if your case is unique or a part of a class action lawsuit already in progress.
A lawyer can help you interpret and understand the specific requirements of initiating or joining a class action lawsuit, so you know exactly what your legal options are. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC to begin working on your case by calling 800-709-1441.
For a free legal consultation with a class action lawsuits lawyer serving Tallahassee, call 800-709-1441
Claims For Defective Products
When you know about a defective product, you may wonder where to begin with filing a lawsuit. Some would say that the first affirmative steps in a good class action lawsuit is the gut instinct that you could have a case. When you think you have a case of a massively defective product, consulting with a Tallahassee class action lawsuits lawyer can bring some clarity to the situation.
Florida Statutes section §768.734 contains specific information about class action lawsuits. If you want to file a class action lawsuit, according to Florida law you may need to prove “actual damage,” but there are still legal options for people who cannot currently prove actual damage. Additionally, Florida law does not affect class action lawsuits concerning “federal or state civil rights laws.” Most of the litigation surrounding class action lawsuits will be done on a federal level, unless the participants are all living and doing business in Florida specifically.
Pursuing a Class Action Lawsuit
To pursue a class action lawsuit, it will be important for you to demonstrate a clear breach of contract or ethics on the defendant’s part. Most of what makes up a class action lawsuit is clear, concise, and can be proven. You will need to show that you and a group of other people suffered financial losses in a consistent manner— meaning you all lost something remarkably similar, from circumstances created by the business or organization.
Rather than filing individual lawsuits against a large organization with more power than everyday civilians, you must be able to show that your class has a vested interest in correcting the company’s negligence. All of this will make up your efforts to pursue greater social change, while potentially recovering a considerable settlement.
Tallahassee Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer Near Me 800-709-1441
Call a Tallahassee Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer For Legal Representation
Class action lawsuits can be civilian-filed, but the nuances and requirements of class action lawsuits can make it an intimidating process. When you work with the lawyers at Ben Crump Law, PLLC, we can organize your class and advise your collective group on pursuing a legal case.
We want to make sure you do not suffer further damage from this situation. You should not have to pay out of pocket for injuries you suffered through no fault of your own. The defendant should pay for any necessary treatment, not you. We do not shy away from tough cases, so do not hesitate to reach out today. We work on a contingency-fee basis, so you do not have to worry about any upfront costs. We only accept payment when we win your case and then take a fee from your settlement. We want to begin fighting for a fair financial award today on the behalf of anyone harmed by an entity’s negligence.
If you know of a defective product, service, or unethical company, you have the right to make others aware in the name of justice for all. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC to begin working on your case today.
Call or text 800-709-1441 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form