A car accident caused by a reckless driver can leave you with serious injuries. No one should suffer physical, financial, and emotional stress due to a careless driver.
A Florida driver’s license is a privilege and not a right. If you experienced a life-changing injury due to a driver who failed to use care behind the wheel, we can help.
Depending upon the circumstances of your case you may be entitled to compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. At Ben Crump Law, PLLC, there are no upfront fees. You owe us nothing until we collect compensation for you. For a free case evaluation, call a Hialeah car accident lawyer from Ben Crump Law, PLLC now: (844) 730-0233.
Common Causes of Florida Car Accidents
Sharing the road with millions of drivers places you at risk for serious harm. No matter how defensively you drive, it is difficult—if not impossible—to predict the actions of another driver. Common causes of car accidents include distracted driving, drunk driving, and road rage.
Distracted Driving
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that nine people die and approximately 1,000 are seriously injured every day in the United States due to crashes involving distracted drivers.
The CDC lists three main types of distraction:
- Visual: taking your eyes off the road.
- Manual: taking your hands off the wheel.
- Cognitive: taking your mind off driving.
While distracted driving can involve different types of activities behind the wheel, texting is an increasingly worrisome problem. The CDC cites texting while driving as involving all three types of distraction.
Drunk Driving
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 30 people die every day in the United States due to a drunk driver. People who choose to drink and drive can change your life in a second.
While the blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 is the legal limit in Florida, a driver’s vision and judgment can become impaired at as little as .02 percent. Drunk drivers continue—despite public safety campaigns—to place other drivers at risk for serious harm.
Road Rage
Aggressive driving can quickly escalate into road rage. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety cites the following behaviors as examples of road rage:
- Throwing objects at cars.
- Purposely tailgating another car.
- Using angry gestures toward other drivers.
- Cutting off another driver on purpose.
The surprising facts of a recent study by the foundation revealed that while most people know this behavior is dangerous, many admitted to such actions while driving.
If you experienced serious injuries due to the reckless behaviors and actions of another driver, you deserve justice. Your injuries were not your fault and you are not alone.
Call the legal team at Ben Crump Law, PLLC for a free case evaluation: (844) 730-0233. Let us deal with your legal claim so that you can focus on your health and medical care. We can review the accident report and other pieces of information to determine how your accident happened. We keep our clients informed throughout the process so that you never have to wonder about the status of your case.
Insurance companies like to settle claims quickly and during your most vulnerable time. Whether you are in a hospital bed or grieving the loss of a close loved one, it is no time to deal with insurance companies.
For a free legal consultation with a car accidents lawyer serving Hialeah, call (844) 730-0233
Wrongful Death
Sadly, some car accidents are so traumatic, they simply aren’t survivable. Losing a close loved one due to a preventable car accident is maddening. While no amount of money may ease your heartbreak, it may help reduce your financial stress.
Depending upon your relationship to the decedent and the circumstances of their death, you may be entitled to compensation for such expenses as final medical expenses and loss of potential income.
Hialeah Car Accident Lawyer Near Me (844) 730-0233
Florida Statute of Limitations for Filing a Claim
The time immediately following a serious accident can leave you feeling anxious about your future. As you learn to deal with your injuries, time can quickly pass by.
While legal action may not be among your first thoughts, it is an important and necessary thought requiring immediate attention. Florida law limits the amount of time you have to file a civil action.
For personal injury claims, the statute of limitations is four years. Wrongful death claims have a statute of limitations of two years. In both types of cases, the time generally begins the moment of injury or loss.
Don’t miss your opportunity to pursue justice and to hold the liable party accountable for their reckless actions. Protect your right to file a civil action by reaching out to a Hialeah car accident lawyer from our law firm as soon as possible.
Click to contact our Hialeah Personal Injury Lawyers today
How Ben Crump Law, PLLC Can Help You
Insurance companies like to settle claims quickly and during your most vulnerable time. Whether you are in a hospital bed or grieving the loss of a close loved one, it is no time to deal with insurance companies.
Their high-pressure tactics and your weakened emotional state may result in you accepting their initial offer. By doing so, you forfeit your right to pursue a civil claim later if your medical condition does not improve. Do not risk your future medical care by signing anything without legal representation.
At Ben Crump Law, PLLC, we are not afraid to take on insurance companies. Our experience as skilled negotiators means we often settle cases without going to court. If we are unable to secure fair compensation through negotiation, however, we are willing to go to trial. It is our goal to secure the best possible outcome for you.
Everyone has the right to travel to work, the store, or anywhere along Florida city streets and highways free from harm. When the reckless actions of another person change your life forever, let our legal team help.
Time is limited for filing your personal injury or wrongful death claim. Don’t delay—call a Hialeah car accident lawyer from Ben Crump Law, PLLC now: (844) 730-0233.
Call or text (844) 730-0233 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form