If you put your trust in one or more medical professionals whose actions ultimately caused you harm, then you may be the victim of medical malpractice. You may call a lawyer to assess your case if you have suffered because of a medical error or another type of malpractice. You may also have reason to call an Orlando medical malpractice lawyer if your loved one died or was seriously injured because of failures by one or more medical professionals.
You or your loved one could be entitled to collect compensation for your losses. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC today at (800) 641-8998 for a free consultation about why hiring a lawyer could be beneficial.
Medical Malpractice Is a Wide Net
When determining what medical malpractice is, consider that the term encompasses a great number of circumstances. Generally speaking, medical malpractice may include:
- Direct actions taken by a medical professional
- Actions not taken by a medical professional
- General conditions in an organization or institution
The journal Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research defines medical malpractice as “any act or omission by a physician during treatment of a patient that deviates from accepted norms of practice in the medical community and causes an injury to the patient”.
There are many instances that may fall under this definition of medical malpractice. Some specific examples include:
- Failure to detect a condition
- Misdiagnosing a condition
- Failure to disclose a condition to you
- Failure to do necessary research relevant to your health before recommending a course of treatment
- Ordering a surgery or other procedure that proves to be unnecessary
- Causing a birth injury
- Anesthesia-related error
- Error during surgery
- Error causing disfigurement or scarring
- Being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs while acting as your physician
You or a loved one may have experienced other forms of malpractice, as the list of possible instances of medical negligence could go on. One or more parties, including the specific professional who administered care, could owe you compensation for losses that you have suffered.
For a free legal consultation with a medical malpractice lawyer serving Orlando, call (800) 641-8998
Your Lawyer Will Determine Fault for Medical Malpractice
It is possible that more than one party is responsible for your case of medical malpractice. Some types of defendants that may be responsible in your case include:
- A doctor
- A nurse
- Another type of medical employee
- Hospital administrators
- Hospital owners
- Staffers or administrators at a nursing home
- Owners or administrators at another type of medical facility
Defendants could be responsible if they personally inflicted harm upon you or a loved one or failed to take steps that may have prevented the harm that you suffered. They could also be responsible for permitting unsafe circumstances at an organizational level, or through the legal standard of strict liability. For example, an organization that fails to adequately monitor its staff or institutional conditions to ensure safety could be responsible for harm to you or a loved one.
An Orlando medical malpractice lawyer will review the entire picture of your case and identify all of the parties who are responsible in some way for causing your losses. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC today to find out more about pursuing compensation for medical malpractice.
Orlando Medical Malpractice Lawyer Near Me (800) 641-8998
The Scale of Medical Malpractice Is Immense
You are not the only person who has been affected by medical malpractice, and your lawyer may have experience trying cases similar to yours.
Hofstra University notes that Florida is among the states with the highest instance of medical malpractice litigation. This is saying something substantial considering the broad scope of medical malpractice across the United States.
According to findings published by Johns Hopkins Medicine, there are more than 250,000 medical error-caused deaths in the United States each year. As of 2016, this makes medical errors the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Keep in mind that this does not reflect the prevalence of medical errors and other types of medical malpractice that are not fatal.
These statistics go to show that those in the medical community are not infallible. In certain cases, they could be downright reckless. A lawyer will get to the bottom of your case, determining why you were the victim of medical malpractice and who is responsible for harming you or a loved one.
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A Lawyer Will Fight for You
If you are the victim of medical malpractice, have lost a loved one because of medical malpractice, or have witnessed a loved one suffer because of a non-fatal medical error, then you may not want to spend substantial time and attention on a lawsuit. Fortunately, a lawyer can handle the process for you.
Some of the services that a lawyer may provide are:
- Collection of evidence
- Documentation of injuries
- Consultation of experts in the medical field
- Filing of your lawsuit and other paperwork
- Negotiation of a settlement
- Defense of your rights
- Filing of any necessary appeals
A lawyer’s goal will be to obtain compensation for losses related to your case of medical malpractice. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) notes that awards for successful medical malpractice lawsuits were substantially higher than other types of injury and wrongful death claims, and you could be entitled to awards for your losses as well.
Depending on the nature of your losses, awards from a lawsuit could cover:
- The cost of care that proved to be negligent
- The cost of care to correct health problems caused by malpractice
- Income you have lost because of injuries
- Pain and suffering
- Harm to long-term earning power
- The cost of physical and cognitive therapy
- The cost of emotional therapy
- Any other malpractice-related losses
If you or a loved one were harmed because of medical malpractice, you deserve justice.
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Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC Today
The team at Ben Crump Law, PLLC wants to help you avoid suffering further because of medical malpractice. Hiring an Orlando medical malpractice lawyer could help in defense of your rights and pursuit of fair compensation.
Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC today at (800) 641-8998 for more details about how a lawyer can serve you.
Call or text (800) 641-8998 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form