When large companies or corporations produce a product with a harmful defect, they may inadvertently cause harm to any of their customers. Class action lawsuits provide a way for all the victims of a defective product to unify and hold the corporation accountable for the losses and harm its product caused.
Instead of the victims individually filing lawsuits against the company for the same harmful product, which can take more time and money than each individual victim has, class action lawsuits usually list one plaintiff as the lead representative for all similar victims in the case. You may receive a letter or see an advertisement for a class action lawsuit which may apply to you. Joining an existing class action lawsuit may enable you to receive a set payout that may cover some of your losses caused by your injuries.
If you believe you qualify to join an existing class action lawsuit or if you believe you have qualifications to begin a new one, a North Miami class action lawsuits lawyer from Ben Crump Law, PLLC may be able to help you with your case. Call us at 800-709-1441 for your free case evaluation.
Compensation You May Receive from a Class Action Lawsuit
When a class, or a group of plaintiffs, files a class action lawsuit, the court divides the awards evenly among the individual plaintiffs. For example, if a class action lawsuit results in an award of $5 million and has a total of 2,000 plaintiffs, each plaintiff may receive $2,500.
Class action lawsuits allow several people to seek justice and compensation from an individual or group of defendants when separate lawsuits and insurance claims may prove overwhelming for individual plaintiffs.
Another benefit of hiring a North Miami class action lawsuit lawyer with Ben Crump Law, PLLC revolves around the fact that you will pay nothing up front or out of pocket when you work with us. We work on a contingency-fee-basis, so we only accept payment from a settlement we secure on your behalf. With a class action lawsuit, you have nothing to lose by working with a lawyer to guide you to the appropriate existing class action lawsuit or start a new one. You may also enable other people who suffered harm from the same negligent party to receive a financial award to help pay for their losses.
For a free legal consultation with a class action lawsuits lawyer serving North Miami, call 800-709-1441
Starting or Joining a Class Action lawsuit
Before a court grants a class action status to a case, plaintiffs must first meet certain criteria and then present and prove actual damages occurred to receive certification for the class action lawsuit. The court requires a certain number of plaintiffs to raise the same issues and discuss losses with the same defendant. The court also requires the lead plaintiff to prove their ability to represent the entire group.
Once the class action receives certification, the right to join the lawsuit may even extend to out-of-state victims, per the capacity to sue statue in Florida. A North Miami class action lawsuits lawyer may help you gather the needed evidence to help certify a class action lawsuit.
North Miami Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer Near Me 800-709-1441
Examples of Defendants in Class Action Lawsuits
Defendants in class action lawsuits may involve individuals who cause harm to a group of people, but they usually involve large corporations or companies with their own team of legal professionals.
For example, if a medication caused serious medical consequences to its customers, those injured people may hold the pharmaceutical company responsible for their medical bills or hospital stays that resulted from the medical complications after taking the flawed product. Similarly, a bank or credit card that inappropriately charged higher interest rates to its customers may also find itself the defendant in a class action lawsuit.
Certain laws and regulations may apply in your class action lawsuit, as well. Companies and corporations must follow the rules outlined in several policies and acts, including:
- The Equal Employment Opportunity Act
- The Consumer Product Safety Act
- The Fair Credit Reporting Act
If companies fail to uphold these rules or guidelines set by federal policies, a class action lawsuit may provide the protection intended by these laws by enabling the victims to hold the company at fault accountable.
If you have questions about whether your injuries qualify you for a class action lawsuit, a North Miami class action lawsuit lawyer from Ben Crump Law, PLLC may help you determine your eligibility through a free, no-obligation case evaluation.
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Proving Fault in a Class Action Lawsuit
Your lawyer may help prove losses occurred from your injuries by:
- Gathering records, receipts, and other documentation proving your existing relationship with the company’s product.
- Obtaining medical expert testimony or other expert testimony on the injuries you endured that link them to the defective or harmful product.
- Illustrating how the company of the defective product breached their duty of care to you, their customer.
- Attaching a monetary value to both your economic and noneconomic losses you endured as a result of your related injuries.
Certification of a class action lawsuit may prove difficult without the help of a lawyer, especially if you also struggle with healing from your losses and injuries. Additionally, following up on any medical procedures and treatments according to your doctor may also help provide evidence of losses for a class action lawsuit. A lawyer may help you cover all your bases in attempts to succeed in filing a successful class action lawsuit.
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Work with a North Miami Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer
If you suffered injuries after trusting a company or corporation to deliver a certain duty of care to you as a customer, you do not need to suffer alone. You have a right to legal representation, and you may qualify as a lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit or qualify to join an existing class action lawsuit.
Let the lawyers with Ben Crump Law, PLLC help determine your rights by calling 800-709-1441.
Call or text 800-709-1441 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form