Often, drivers who engage in reckless or aggressive driving do so out of frustration caused by traffic congestion, a lack of emotional control, stress, or even drug use. None of the reasons are acceptable excuses from endangering other road users. In Jacksonville, Florida, aggressive driving frequently occurs, causing catastrophic car accidents.
If an aggressive driver caused you or your loved one to suffer injuries, you deserve to obtain fair compensation for your losses. A Jacksonville aggressive driving accident lawyer can discuss your rights and advise you on what you can do to get your life back on track. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC at (844) 730-0233.
How Florida Insurance Works
Following your car accident in Jacksonville, you might feel overwhelmed and confused about the process of claiming compensation from insurance companies. Since Florida is a no-fault state, under the 2019 Florida Statutes §627.7407, your initial and main source of recovery is your own auto insurance. This is why the state’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) requires drivers who wish to register their vehicles first present proof of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL).
In Jacksonville and throughout Florida, motorists must carry a minimum of $10,000 in PIP coverage and PDL. If you get into an accident, you can reimburse 60% of your lost wages and 80% of your medical expenses from your PIP. You will be able to collect these benefits even if you are partly to blame for your accident due to the state’s no-fault insurance law.
If you carry only the minimum required insurance, you might soon realize that it is not enough to cover your mounting medical bills, lost potential earnings, and other losses. Consider reaching out to a Jacksonville aggressive driving accident lawyer to learn how you can obtain additional compensation that your insurance protection cannot provide.
For a free legal consultation with a aggressive driving accidents lawyer serving Jacksonville, call (844) 730-0233
Be Careful When Speaking with Insurance Companies
You must update your insurer about your accident as soon as possible. Your policy should be able to provide details regarding the time limit for reporting a car crash. Nevertheless, it would be best if you stuck only to the accident’s basic facts when you make a report because your insurance company might use what you say against you. It is better to talk to a Jacksonville aggressive driver accident lawyer before calling your insurer. You would not want insurance companies taking advantage of you and offering you a settlement that is less than what you are due.
Jacksonville Aggressive Driving Accident Lawyer Near Me (844) 730-0233
How Fault Is Assessed in Jacksonville
Thanks to no-fault insurance, you can claim your PIP or PDL benefits regardless of who was responsible for the crash. If the fault lies entirely with the other motorist, it is reasonable to expect that their insurance carrier will pay for your losses. However, the issue of fault still matters if you had an accident in Jacksonville and decide to file a personal injury claim.
Florida observes the rule of pure comparative fault, which means that the court or jury will not allow you to take home the entirety of your damages award if you bear some of the fault for your crash. The greater the percentage of your fault, the greater the amount that the court will deduct from your damages.
If another driver’s recklessness led to your injuries, a Jacksonville aggressive driving accident lawyer would gather evidence that can prove the other party’s negligence and justify the amount of compensation you are pursuing. During settlement talks with insurance companies, your attorney can also strengthen your position if there is available evidence of the aggressive motorist’s unlawful behavior.
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Pursuing a Case After Your Accident
Aggressive driving can fall under careless or negligent driving. If you got into a vehicular crash and suffered injuries after another driver suddenly cut you off, erratically changed lanes, tailgated, weaved through traffic, ran a traffic signal, or carried out other reckless acts, you may be able to take legal action. This will allow you to obtain compensation beyond an insurance claim.
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Your Options for Seeking Compensation After a Driving Accident
It is essential to know more about your compensation options after suffering from serious injuries and incurring significant damage to your vehicle. If your expenses exceed what your PIP and PDL policies can pay, you may be qualified to file a claim against the aggressive motorist. It may be possible to pursue a personal injury claim against the other party’s insurance company or bring a personal injury lawsuit if the insurer refuses to pay a fair settlement amount.
Moreover, you may have a right to file a civil case against the aggressive driver because negligence occurred. Speak with a Jacksonville aggressive driving accident lawyer if you wish to understand your options further.
Building Your Claim
Gathering information about the at-fault driver’s reckless and irresponsible behavior is critical when you want to secure damages. Evidence such as photographs of the scene, police report, witness testimonies, and video footage can aid in establishing liability and supporting your claim.
However, do not delay if you plan to file a civil lawsuit because Florida’s statute of limitations typically gives you only until four years after your accident to do so. You can get in touch with a Jacksonville aggressive driving accident attorney if you want to learn whether you have a case or if filing a lawsuit is right for you.
Leave the Legal Challenges of Your Accident to Us
Ben Crump Law, PLLC, is committed to giving you the personal attention you deserve after suffering from a traumatic experience. Until you fully understand your rights regarding car accidents, it is difficult to assess the total amount of damages you are entitled to receiving. Handling your case on your own might leave you shortchanged.
By working with a Jacksonville aggressive driving accident lawyer, you can determine your injuries’ true cost and available options for seeking compensation. Call our office today at (844) 730-0233.
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