Whiplash is a condition commonly associated with car accidents, although it can happen with any head or neck trauma. Whiplash is a severe strain or sprain of the neck muscles when trying to keep the head erect after a severe impact. It can be mild or severe, based on the accident. In some cases, whiplash heals on its own, but other cases require more intensive treatment options to recover fully.
Many car accident victims develop whiplash, especially after a rear-end collision. Whiplash could impact your ability to earn a living by keeping you away from work for an extended period. It can also make daily activities uncomfortable. The expenses of dealing with an accident can have a lasting impact on your life. Fortunately, you might be able to take legal action to avoid these problems.
If you or a loved one suffered from whiplash injuries after a car accident, you could receive compensation related to your injuries and losses. A whiplash accident lawyer can help you file a lawsuit against the responsible driver. Contact Ben Crump Law, PLLC, at (844) 730-0233 to schedule a consultation with a team member. The consultation is free, and you are under no obligation to continue forward with us following the initial case review.
Dangers of Whiplash Accidents
Car accidents can result in a variety of issues, including whiplash, which have long-term effects. These dangers include:
- Severe whiplash: Severe whiplash, as the Mayo Clinic explains, can require extensive treatment to return you to normal activities. You will need to manage your pain, often with prescription medications. You also will need to stretch and exercise your neck muscles, undergo physical therapy, and use a soft neck brace for a limited period.
- Missed work: You may have to miss time at work until your neck heals, which can make earning a living difficult.
- Replacing your vehicle: Your car might have suffered enough damage that the insurance company totals it out. If you were upside-down on your loan, you might have to pay the difference between your car’s fair market value and what you owe your lender.
- Death: Whiplash accidents can cause life-threatening spine and head trauma. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three car accident deaths involved a speeding vehicle.
Whiplash poses a threat to your overall health. You might develop other problems related to your neck and spine if you have a severe case of whiplash. Make sure to check back with your primary care provider regularly to ensure that you do not develop other conditions related to your accident.
Common Whiplash Accident Expenses
Whiplash accidents usually result in several common expenses, the most prominent being emergency medical care. According to the CDC, crash injuries cause more than 2.5 million Americans each year to visit a hospital’s emergency department. These emergency room visits can become quite expensive.
After a car accident, you are also likely to have repair costs for your car. Most accidents involve significant damage to the vehicle that you need to repair; otherwise, your car might no longer be safe to drive. Your insurance company might also require you to repair your vehicle to maintain compliance with your policy.
Depending on the severity of your whiplash injury, you may need to miss work for some time. You might exhaust any sick leave or other paid time off you have accrued, leaving you missing paychecks. This lost income can make it challenging to pay bills and result in using credit cards and going further into debt because of the accident.
A whiplash accident lawyer can help you determine what expenses to include in your claim for compensation. Contact the team at Ben Crump Law, PLLC, today for a free case review.
Treatment Options
The type of treatment you need depends on the severity of your injuries. Minor whiplash cases typically heal on their own. It might take a few days for the muscles to repair themselves and the pain to subside entirely. In more severe cases, you will likely need to wear a soft neck brace for a few days to immobilize your head and keep you from further damaging your neck muscles.
Emergency medical personnel often use neck braces after car accidents. Right after the crash and while transporting you to the emergency room, it is likely that you will wear a neck brace until care providers can verify that you do not have neck and spine damage.
Seeking Legal Action
Since car accidents can lead to expenses that you might not have the means to pay right away, you might want to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages that exceed what you receive from an insurance settlement. If you file against the at-fault driver, you might recover compensation that can cover your expenses. The legal process differs depending on where you live, so you might want to consult a whiplash accident lawyer to discuss your case’s specifics.
Possibly Recoverable Compensation
Every case is different, even if many car accidents led to whiplash injuries. The amount and types of compensation you could receive will vary based on the specifics of your case, the severity of your injuries, and many other factors.
No one, including a whiplash accident lawyer, can guarantee that you will win in court and receive an award. If you have questions about what kinds of compensation you can claim or how much you could receive in a lawsuit, you can discuss the details of your case with a personal injury lawyer. An attorney can compare your case to previous cases and educate you about what similar cases received in terms of compensation for their injuries.
Call Us to Discuss the Details of Your Situation
If you or a loved one suffered from whiplash injuries after a car accident, you could be entitled to compensation. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC, today at (844) 730-0233 to speak with a member of our legal team. A whiplash accident lawyer can prepare your case and collect evidence while you focus on your recovery. There is no cost associated with the initial consultation, and we work on contingency, so you pay nothing unless we recover compensation for you.