If you are involved in a rear-end motorcycle collision and the other driver is responsible, you can file a lawsuit to claim compensation for your expenses. Civil law makes it clear that victims can sue for rear-end motorcycle collisions, among many other types of accidents.
Accidents leave victims with major financial setbacks because of damage to their vehicle or medical expenses. Filing a lawsuit lets you claim compensation for those expenses so that you will not have to be burdened with the financial effects of the accident for a long time.
Understanding Rear-End Motorcycle Collisions
Rear-end collisions happen when one vehicle hits another. In this case, one or more of those vehicles were motorcycles. Rear-end collisions are dangerous and can cause extensive damage to both vehicles. They happen for a variety of reasons, including:
- Following too closely: Not having enough stopping distance between vehicles is a leading cause of rear-end collisions.
- Speeding: Traveling too fast for the conditions on the road makes it difficult to avoid accidents.
- Driving under the influence: Driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs can impair the driver’s judgment and lead to accidents.
There are other potential causes of rear-end motor vehicle collisions that are not covered on this list. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), nearly 33 percent of accidents are rear-end collisions. This makes it a major problem for drivers across the country.
Statute of Limitations on Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits
If you are involved in a rear-end collision, you may be able to take legal action against the driver who caused your accident. However, you have a limited amount of time to do so. This is called the statute of limitations, and every state has a different statute for personal injury and property damage cases. These statutes of limitation can vary widely on a state-by-state basis. To find out how much time you have to file your lawsuit, consult the office of a rear-end collisions lawyer in the state where the lawsuit will be filed.
Common Rear-End Motorcycle Collision Expenses
The most common expense after a rear-end motorcycle collision is property damage. Two vehicles colliding inevitably causes some damage. How much damage is done depends on several factors, including the speed of both vehicles at the time of the collision.
Another common expense is medical bills. Most accidents result in a trip to the emergency room, as well as at least some medical treatment costs. You may also face other expenses like lost wages for missing work or out-of-pocket expenses to replace other damaged personal property.
Determining Liability
When your lawyer builds your case, he or she will look to see who is liable for the accident. If you are the one that was rear-ended, there is a high chance that you will not be held liable for the accident. Driving laws mandate that you keep a safe distance away from other vehicles. If you are following too closely to stop safely, you can be held responsible for an accident. A motorcycle accident lawyer will evaluate your case, establish liability by researching the evidence, and explain all your legal options.
Understanding Your Rights
You have the right under civil law to sue anyone that injures you or damages your property. In this case, you can sue the other driver for the expenses from your accident. Your lawyer builds the case, files your claim, and may file a lawsuit to prepare for court, and then you wait to go to trial. However, most civil cases never make it to trial. It is common practice to negotiate a settlement agreement between the two parties before a case ever makes it to trial. This helps both parties benefit while minimizing potential problems that a court trial can cause.
Seeking Compensation
You can seek compensation by pursuing an insurance claim or lawsuit against the other driver. The goal of civil lawsuits is to collect monetary compensation for damages and expenses that the other party causes. You can claim almost any expenses related to your accident or your recovery process in the claim or lawsuit. This will help you recover enough compensation to pay off your expenses and prevent further financial stress. The legal process can be complicated, which is why many accident victims hire a lawyer to represent them.
Contact Us Today
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 2.5 million people in the United States were involved in car accidents in 2012, and around 200,000 required hospitalization for their injuries. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a rear-end motorcycle collision or other traffic accident, you can sue for collision damages and expenses.
By choosing to file a lawsuit against the other driver, you are choosing not to be a long-term victim. The compensation that you collect can go toward paying off your expenses so that you can focus on getting your life back. Reach out to the office of Ben Crump Law, PLLC today at 800-959-1444 discuss your legal options with our team.