BUFFALO, NY –– Nationally renowned civil rights and personal injury attorney Ben Crump of Ben Crump Law, co-counsel Terry Connors of Connors LLP, and the families of the victims of the racially-motivated Buffalo mass shooting in May will hold a press conference on Wednesday, February 15 following the Buffalo mass shooter’s sentencing hearing.
Families of the victims
Attorney Ben Crump
Attorney Terry Connors
February 15, following the 9 am ET sentencing hearing
Connors LLP
Liberty Building, 1000
Buffalo, NY 14202
Through his work, nationally renowned civil rights and personal injury attorney Ben Crump has spearheaded a legal movement to better protect the rights of marginalized citizens. He has led landscape-changing civil rights cases and represented clients in a wide range of areas including civil rights, personal injury, labor and employment, class actions, and more. Ben Crump Law is dedicated to holding the powerful accountable. For more information, visit bencrump.com.