Truvada is an antiretroviral medication that can treat and prevent HIV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The drug has come under fire recently for causing serious side effects in some individuals, such as bone loss and kidney failure.
If you or a loved one have been taking the drug, you might wonder how long Truvada’s side effects last. According to Stanford Health Care, most of those using the drug may experience no side effects or only minor problems such as rash, headaches, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. Mild side effects may last for a couple of weeks and then disappear. However, Truvada can also cause some potentially serious health conditions, which may or may not be reversible with treatment
Significant Side Effects of Truvada
While most people may only experience mild side effects when taking the HIV drug Truvada, potentially devastating health conditions can arise in some individuals. The risk for serious side effects may increase with prolonged use. If you take Truvada, your doctor should periodically monitor your liver, kidney, and bone health to ensure that you are not suffering from significant adverse health effects from the drug. Some of the more serious side effects seen with Truvada can include:
Osteoporosis and Bone Thinning
Osteoporosis can leave sufferers with an increased risk of bone fractures. The disease typically affects post-menopausal women but can potentially occur in others. According to Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, one of the main ingredients in Truvada has been linked to bone thinning and osteoporosis, particularly in young people whose bones are still growing and developing. Symptoms of advanced osteoporosis can include:
- Back pain
- Stooping
- Easily fracturing bones
- Loss of height
While osteoporosis is generally treatable with medication and lifestyle changes, symptoms tend to only appear once the disease is in an advanced stage. Some damage to an individual’s bone health may not be reversible.
Kidney Disease
Truvada can potentially cause severe kidney disease and kidney failure in some individuals. Mayo Clinic notes that while acute kidney failure can potentially be reversed with treatments, there is to date no treatment that can cure chronic kidney disease. Treatment of end-stage kidney disease consists of lifelong dialysis or an organ transplant.
Liver Disease
Truvada has also been linked to liver disease. The drug can put patients at risk for developing a fatty liver as well as liver failure. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) notes that in the early stages, liver disease is treatable and potentially reversible. However, end-stage liver disease tends to be incurable and typically requires a transplant. Symptoms of liver failure can be jaundice and fluid retention.
Lactic Acidosis
Lactic acidosis is a serious and potentially fatal condition that requires prompt medical treatment. According to StatPearls, with lactic acidosis, the liver or kidneys have become unable to filter acid from the body. Any buildup of acid in the blood can be dangerous and lead to death.
Some of the more serious side effects can be devastating for an individual and not only reduce their life quality and independence but also prove extremely costly. However, those hurt by a dangerous drug could have legal recourse and may be able to recover compensation. A Truvada lawsuit lawyer can give advice about any legal options that could be available for those who suffered a significant injury.
You Could File a Truvada Lawsuit
If you or a loved one suffer from a permanent or long-term health condition due to taking Truvada, you could potentially file a dangerous drug suit and recover compensation for your monetary losses and suffering.
In a lawsuit, you will have to prove:
- Your injury
- The link between your injury and the medication
- The manufacturer or other liable party’s negligence or fault
- Your damages
Individuals hurt by a medication such as Truvada have to act quickly as most states set deadlines for dangerous drug suits called statutes of limitations. A statute typically starts running down on the day the injury occurred or the day of discovery.
Ben Crump Law, PLLC Can Help You Seek Justice
Truvada’s side effects could last long, potentially for the rest of an individual’s life. If you or a loved one suffered lasting and serious health conditions due to the drug Truvada, you should speak to us as soon as possible. We could potentially assist you with recovering compensation that could include:
- Medical costs
- Loss of income
- Awards for pain and suffering
You could also receive other damages, depending on your claim and the severity of your injury. If you have incurred large medical bills and wondered whether there is legal recourse but have been hesitating to stand up to a large pharmaceutical company, we can help. Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC today for a free case review by dialing (800) 983-6116.