Two-year-old Zaniyah Hinson died after being left inside a scorching hot van for more than two hours by employees of a church-run day care center in Daytona Beach, Florida. The case was eventually settled for $2.4 million.
A wrongful death lawsuit means certain surviving relatives of a deceased person can receive compensation for the economic and emotional impact of their death if it was caused by someone else’s
For a defendant to be found guilty in a wrongful death lawsuit, the plaintiffs will need to meet the same types of burden of proof required of the victim if the victim was still alive. There are four
Complicated wrongful death lawsuits can take years to complete. There are many time-consuming steps involved, including:
Appointing a personal representative.
Gathering information on
According to The Balance, insurance policies for businesses may cover small death claims, but the amount paid by an insurance company may not fairly cover the losses that you sustained.
A lawyer