If you suffered injuries in a car accident and need legal representation, the lawyers at Ben Crump Law, PLLC are waiting for your call. You can get started with a free consultation when you call our offices at (844) 730-0233.
Auto Insurance Requirements in Florida
All drivers in Florida are required to carry a statewide minimum amount of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance and Property Damage Liability (PDL) insurance.
PIP and PDL Insurance Policies
Not only must every vehicle registered in Florida carry PIP and PDL policies, but each must carry a minimum of $10,000 amount of coverage each. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, anyone who drives to work in-state or has children enrolled in a Florida public school must also be registered with a Florida policy.
These insurance requirements make Florida a no-fault insurance state, meaning that in the event of an accident, drivers must file through their own policies. Although no-fault insurance rules partially limit the amount that a plaintiff can sue the other driver for in an accident, they do not altogether prevent you from filing a lawsuit.
Reporting a Car Accident
Florida law requires drivers to report any accident and consequential damages within 10 days from when the accident first happened. You should exchange insurance information with the other driver and get a complete crash report, which you can buy through the Florida government’s website for traffic crashes.
If you are approached by the at-fault party with a release or agreement form, do not sign anything. Instead, give our offices a call to consult with someone who can advise you on what to do next. Signing a release document will free the at-fault party from paying any damages, leaving you liable for your hospital bills and more. It is best to make any contact with the defendant through the Tallahassee personal injury attorneys representing you.
For a free legal consultation with a car accidents lawyer serving Tallahassee, call (844) 730-0233
Legal Advice For People in Car Accidents
After a car accident, you may have a number of different possible claims to make. You will want to consider the long-term impacts of the accident, especially if someone you love passed away as a result. There is no single type of car accident, so your case will be unique, but you may want to consider any of the following possible lawsuits:
- Personal Injury Claims: The statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims after a car accident is up to four years from the date of the accident, according to Section §95.11(3) of the Florida Statutes of limitations.
- Property Damage Claims: The statute of limitations for filing a claim against negligent parties for any real property damage is up to four years from the date of the incident, according to Section §95.11(3) of the Florida Statutes.
- Wrongful Death: You may seek compensation if a loved one needlessly died in the car accident, up to two years from the date of the accident, according to the Florida Statutes, section §95.11(4).
Remember that no car accident is exactly alike, and your circumstances will be unique. A lawyer can advise you on which type of claim would fit your needs, and how to maximize the benefits in your case. Our lawyers take pride in the protection of your rights so that you can get back to life as it was before the accident.
Tallahassee Car Accident Lawyer Near Me (844) 730-0233
A Tallahassee Car Accident Lawyer Can Put a Dollar Amount to Damages
After a car accident, it can be difficult to put what you lost into an exact dollar amount. Not to mention, a sudden influx of medical bills, recovering from a traumatic car accident, and navigating insurance litigation would be a hassle for anyone. This is where having a lawyer could potentially benefit you most. We can bring a perspective to your case that will lead to a suitable settlement, and if we cannot reach a settlement with the negligent parties, we will fight for your rights in court.
Damages That Can Be Compensated
A car accident will have long-lasting financial and emotional impacts on your life. When considering your losses after a car accident, consider the short-term implications along with the long-term effects. A list of damages you might seek compensation for in a lawsuit could include:
- Emergency medical evaluation
- Continued care from a specialist physician or therapist
- Long-term or short-term prescription medication costs
- Replacing your car, and any valuables lost in the accident
- Paying for a loved one’s funeral, or a dependent’s losses
- Loss of employment, or loss of ability to find work after the accident
Your options for seeking compensation are not limited to this short list. Our lawyers can help expand your perception of what is possible in a car accident lawsuit once we begin working on your case. We work on a contingency-fee basis, so our lawyers do not get paid until you get a well-deserved settlement. To begin consulting with our team, call Ben Crump Law, PLLC at (844) 730-0233.
Click to contact our Tallahassee Personal Injury Lawyers today
A Tallahassee Car Accident Lawyer Can Navigate Car Accident Cases
After a car accident, good legal advice can be the difference between a negligent driver who gets off scot-free, and a negligent driver who is held accountable for their actions on the road. Recovering from a car accident can be brutal enough. If you wait to take legal action against negligent drivers, it could negatively impact you for the rest of your life.
Call Ben Crump Law, PLLC to begin working on a foolproof case that will get you the settlement you are entitled to. Our lawyers prioritize your happiness and protection of your rights over everything else so you can get back to your life.
Call or text (844) 730-0233 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form