Class action lawsuits are used to take on entities that cause injuries on a large scale. For example, companies that sell defective products that hurt many people may become the target of a class action lawsuit.
If you are injured by an entity responsible for hurting many other people in the same way, your lawyer may suggest turning your case into a class action lawsuit. Certain conditions must be met before building a case, such as determining liability and calculating damages. However, involving other plaintiffs may help you and your lawyer access the resources needed to win the case.
Your lawyer can start the process of evaluating whether your case meets the conditions to move to class-action status. If you believe that you have a case for a class-action lawsuit, discuss your situation with a Daytona Beach class action lawsuits lawyer to help determine the best course of action. For a free consultation about your possible class action lawsuit, contact the offices of Ben Crump Law, PLLC, at (800) 709-1441.
Defining Class Actions
A class action lawsuit creates a group of people to sue a specific entity. In most cases, the suit will involve a group of people harmed by a company that sold a defective product or performed some harmful action. According to the U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida, most cases started as single-plaintiff lawsuits become class action lawsuits within 90 days of filing. It is up to a judge to determine the viability of transitioning an individual lawsuit into a class action case.
Class action lawsuits typically start small and expand in stages. Depending on the details of the case, the suit can expand to include all residents of the state in question. According to Florida Statute § 768.734, the court can further extend the group to nonresidents of the state, if necessary. Some cases may even expand to a national level.
For a free legal consultation with a class action lawsuits lawyer serving Daytona Beach, call (800) 709-1441
Understanding Your Rights
To participate in a class action case, you must have been affected by the actions of the entity being sued. For example, if a company is found liable for damage caused by its defective product, you can only participate in the lawsuit if you were injured by the product. There may be some exceptions to this rule, such as a case in which you are related to someone who died from using the defective product.
Daytona Beach Class Action Lawsuits Lawyer Near Me (800) 709-1441
Determining Liability
The target of the lawsuit must be found liable for any damages or injuries. Determining liability can be complex, especially in cases where defective products are the reason for the lawsuit. Often, many entities can be held liable, including the manufacturer, wholesalers, and retailers.
Before you decide to take action, it can help discuss your case thoroughly with a Daytona Beach class action lawsuits lawyer at Ben Crump Law, PLLC. Through a free consultation, your attorney can help you learn about your rights and determine the best steps to take.
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Possible Recoverable Compensation
The goal of a class action case is to recover financial compensation for any expenses related to injuries or damages. The main difference between a single party civil case and a class action lawsuit is that the awards are divided amongst the group members.
You may be able to collect compensation for medical expenses, property damage, wrongful death, lost wages, and other losses, depending on the specifics of your case. If you think you may have a legal case, your lawyer can help you determine what type of claims to file and how much compensation you should seek in the lawsuit.
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Seeking Legal Action
Most class action cases begin as regular civil lawsuits. They are converted to class action status when other similar cases appear and it is determined that the best course of action is to combine them rather than pursuing damages separately. These cases also combine resources so that all parties can focus on a single lawsuit.
Within the first 90 days after filing, your lawyer will petition to have your case turned into a class action lawsuit. Once your case becomes a class-action lawsuit, other people will be allowed to join it if they have circumstances similar to yours. Your lawyer may take on extra help from other lawyers to help manage the caseload. Any recovered compensation is split amongst the plaintiffs involved in the class action case.
Call Us to Discuss the Details of Your Potential Case
Not every case can be a class-action lawsuit, but turning an eligible lawsuit into one is possible. To find out if your case is eligible, schedule a consultation with a Daytona Beach class action lawsuits lawyer who can analyze the case and help you start the legal process. Call the offices of Ben Crump Law, PLLC, at (800) 709-1441 for a free consultation about your case.
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